Gel lights + Strobes

13 camera settings

1.Setting the exposure using the histogram  -The best way to tell if your exposure is correct is by consulting the histogram
2. RAW -To put simpler, shooting in RAW format will give you access to the full capabilities of your camera.
3. Selecting focusing points manually –  Doing focus points manually will improve focusing accuracy and reduce chances of missing important shots.
4. All AF modes -The three AF modes are the One-shot mode, AI focus, and Ai servo AF
5. Aperture Priority – Aperture Priority is good for shooting portraits with blurred backgrounds.
6. Shutter priority -Fast moving subjects can be shot with this setting.
7. Control motion blur -Motion blur often comes from using a shutter speed that is too slow for holding the camera in your hands.
8. Manual White balance -All digital cameras have a manual white balance.
9. Drive modes -There are three drive modes, single shot, continuous low and continuous high.
10. metering modes -There are three metering modes
11. ISO -Lower values are great when there is plenty of light to work with. Higher ISO values are needed for working in low light.
12. Auto ISO -ISo helps shooting hand held.
13. Exposure compensation -This setting is a + or – scale.

Painting with light

Henri Cartier- Bresson

I think Henri’s photos could use some color. They are very dull. His pictures are also very questioning. It seems he takes pictures of anything. He should take pictures of more outgoing things. I like how he takes pictures of sad things too though. Many photographers are photographing the happy things. His photos are very dark. He always gets the right timing in his pictures. He photographs what he likes.
Image result for henri cartier-bressonImage result for henri cartier-bresson



  1. The company I am advertising is Carolina Herrera.
  2. The product is Good Girl perfume.
  3. My target audience are teenagers.
  4. I would expect to see this product in a makeup newspaper.
  5. I used a bright strobe to pop my product.
  6. My prop was a white background.


Sol de Janeiro Cheirosa '40 Hair & Body Fragrance Mist 240ml | SEPHORA UK

I like this because it’s very bright.

Charlotte Tilbury's New Make-Up Collection Will Light Up Your World

I like this ad because it shows the beauty in makeup.

Blog Archives

This ad is nice because it shows the special meaning of jewelry.


  1. There are different stands for strobes, there is a lightweight stand, and a C stand with boom arm.
  2. The two most common light modifiers are umbrellas and soft boxes.
  3. Most soft boxes are square or rectangular.
  4. If you have a wide reflector, it produces and larger pool of light.
  5. If you have a narrower reflector, it produces smaller pools of light.
  6. Some lights come with a strobe surrounded by a reflector.
  7. When you shoot outside your light needs to be brighter to beat the light of sun.
  8. The reflector on the light helps control the spread of light.
  9.  A honeycomb grid helps with a more focused spread of light.
  10. Umbrellas let light bounce off of the umbrellas onto the subject.